Module 3: Determining Planetary Function, Understanding Aspects Evolutionary, the Evolutionary Potential of Transits & Progressions
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With exceptions and special placements on the Evolutionary Axis (Pluto conjunct the SN, SN ruler as a skipped step, etc.) dealt with in Module 2, this third Module looks at how to interpret aspects in an evolutionary way on the one hand and how to gauge the evolutionary potential of transits and secondary progressions on the other.
Neither can be understood from the soul perspective without having determined planetary function. As you will discover in Chapter 1 of this Module, ‘planetary function’ means: in what way does a planet in a certain house and sign contribute to the soul actualizing its intentions for the current life (as expressed in the Pluto Polarity Point)?
To understand a planet’s function in the way described, therapeutic evolutionary astrology (EA, henceforth) out of necessity radically distances itself from generalized descriptions of a planet in a house or in a sign. These ‘cookie-cutter’ descriptions, as I have termed them, are predicated on the erroneous assumption that one, single description of a planet in a house or sign would apply to whomever happens to have the particular placement described in their chart.
Apart from being demonstrably untrue (the case for which is made in chapter 16 of my book Chiron: Trauma Key ), these generalized descriptions go against the very heart of therapeutic EA, i.e. the soul has placed each planet and calibrated each dialogue going on between two planets (i.e. the aspect) because it knows they have the potential of making a specific contribution to the soul actualizing its evolutionary intentions for the current life (as expressed in the Pluto Polarity Point).
‘Easy’ or difficult’ aspects, therefore, do not exist in therapeutic EA, nor do planets in ‘detriment’ or ‘exaltation.’ Terms like ‘malefic’ or ‘benefic’ could not be further removed from the role the soul envisages for a certain planet.
In chapters 1 and 2 of this 3rd Module these principles are illustrated in great detail using the charts of Richard Nixon, Edward Snowden, Nina Simone and Jaycee Lee Dugard. In-depth analyses of Richard Nixon’s and Nina Simone’s chart can furthermore be found in my book Chiron: Trauma Key.
This way, you – the student – have both a video explanation and a written account of these two charts. In the book, moreover, you will find a full exploration of their respective Orbital Moon dynamics (The Moon does not move on a flat line from left [past] to right [future] ) and planetary nodes (paving the way for the therapeutic application of both as taught in Module 4)
Therapeutic EA further distances itself from non-EA methodologies in so far as transits and secondary progressions are not used to make predictions.
It posits that the original imprint of a planet, luminary or abstract point (the lunar nodes), is brought to bear on the house or planet in a house it visits via transit or secondary progression. When the impact of the transiting or progressed planet, luminary or abstract point is felt there, an energetic field is created within which certain choices can be made; choices that may or may not be conducive to soul evolution.
Man’s ability to make choices wholly depends on free will. Without the making of choices there can be no soul evolution, simply because soul evolution needs resistance between two opposing forces operative in the vehicle the soul has created as instrument for its own growth: the ego, the personality.
In chapter 3 of this Module, the same four charts used in chapters 2 and 3 – Richard Nixon, Edward Snowden, Nina Simone and Jaycee Lee Dugard – are used to show you how the subtle interplay of transits and secondary progressions created said energetic fields at certain key moments in the lives of these four people and how the choices made as a result of these fields having been created were relevant to soul growth.
INCLUDES: Online assignments (Flipbook Powerpoint Presentations so that you can check your chart interpretation against the teacher’s)
As from 11/10/24 this Module only features Assignments (4x) in the form of Flipbook Powerpoint Presentations. Videos & Comprehension Tests will be available until 1/10/25. After that, it’s Assignments only. (Private classes can be booked at $125/hour. See: Main Menu > Booking a private Class)