Module 1: Basic Principles & Evolutionary Axis
In this first Module we will be laying the foundations upon which the edifice of EA chart analysis will be erected. (as you read this text, you may want to open the Content Menu in the right-hand column).
Our first step is to delineate exactly what we mean when we use the word Soul. This is done in Chapter 1, Lesson 1 in an exploration of the relationship between Source, Soul and Ego.
In Lesson 2 we will then be having a look at the difference between an astrological archetype and what is commonly known as a ´sign.´
Once we are clear on what is meant by the term the Evolution of Consciousness, we can have a look at the 12 Astrological Archetypes as the Building Blocks, the Evolution and the Totality of Human Consciousness. That is done in Chapter 1, Lessons 3 to 14. We will discover how the 12 astrological archetypes are interlinked and how an astrological archetype is both a response to the one that preceeds it and preparation for the one that follows it.
In Chapter 2 we will have a first look at the Pluto placement, the south node of the Moon, its ruler, the Pluto polarity Point, the north node of the Moon, and its ruler, all by house and sign. We will be using the chart of Charles, Prince of Wales for that. We will come to know these six points as the Evolutionary Axis, to which in Chapters 4 & 5 we will add the so-called skipped steps (planets squaring the Nodal Axis), and the Uranus placement as trauma indicator. A key concept is introduced in this lesson. It is called the Inner Logic of the Soul.
The Evolutionary Axis will prove to provide insight in the issues the soul has been exploring and comes into the current life with as its default position. This Axis will also shed light on the kinds of lives created by the soul to explore these issues, as well as on its evolutionary intentions for the current life and how these can be carried out by the person whose chart we are looking at. All remaining planet placements can be understood against the backdrop of the Evolutionary Axis.
All of Chapter 3 is dedicated to practice in erecting the Evolutionary Axis. The chart that will be used is that of Lance Armstrong. Chapter 4 sees a first exploration of what in EA is known as skipped steps: planets that square the Nodal Axis (i.e. south node of the Moon – north node of the Moon) and which represent issues that in prior-life selves have thwarted the movement from the south node of the Moon to the north node of the Moon. The chart of Vincent van Gogh features three of these so-called skipped steps. Following an in-depth analysis of his Evolutionary Axis, we shall place them under the magnifying glass to see how they played out in his life. Much attention will be paid to integrating the skipped steps into our findings of the Evolutionary Axis so that a coherent whole arise.
In Chapter 5, finally, we will be having a first explorative look at how unresolved trauma, or rather the memories thereof, travels from lifetime to lifetime and is recreated by the soul in an attempt to go beyond it. The previous three charts discussed – i.e. that of Prince Charles, Lance Armstrong and Vincent Van Gogh – will be used to see 1. what kind of trauma the Uranus placement in each points to and 2. how our findings can be integrated into the Evolutionary Axis so that we understand what function the trauma and its possible reenactment in the current life have in terms of soul evolution.
At the end of Module 1 – in which you will have watched a total of 28 videos, done 28 Comprehension tests and attended a total of 15 hours of Zoom class where newly-acquired skills are practiced – you will have a solid understanding of what evolutionary astrology is and the skills in place to say something about where the soul is coming from, where it intends to go, what kinds of prior-life selves it has created to explore its issues and effectuate growth, how it reenacts trauma in an attempt to heal it, and how the person may go about effectuating the evolutionary intentions the soul has for the current life.
House system used in all charts: Porphyry, True Node, Parallax Moon Correction. Software used: Solar Fire.
Zoom group classes: 5 x 3 = 15 hours
Module 1 Basic Package (no extra classes) Single Payment
Module 1 plus 2 x private class (2×1,5=3 hrs.) Single Payment
Module 1 plus 3 x private class (3×1,5=4,5 hrs.) Single Payment
Module 1 plus 4 x private class (4×1,5=6 hrs.) Single Payment